Thursday, August 9, 2012


by Coach Koos

What's up guys?!  I'm so glad you made it over to my brand spankin' new page!  I'm very excited about this, as it will give me more opportunity to reach out and help as many people as I can.

If you're reading this, it's because you either care about me or you care about your health & fitness...and for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Congrats to you for being here!  I do not want this site to be about ME...I want to help all of YOU achieve your goals as I have achieved mine and continually push myself to strive for more.  So if you're here, thumbs up to you!

You always wonder what to put in your first post, and I'm going to be honest with you guys, I'm just wingin' this thing.   That being said, I'm very knowledgeable with a lot of this fitness stuff, and I know a bit about nutrition as well.  Do NOT be afraid to seek my help. 

Please take a look around, click some links, visit my Facebook, and blow up these pages with comments, questions, or suggestions.  Also, if you'd like a coach to support you, sign up HERE to get your FREE account and get me as your coach, plus the ability to log your workouts and win cash prizes!  Any motivation, inspiration or support that you need...I'll give it to you.  

I'm looking forward to interacting with ALL of you and serving ALL of your health & fitness needs.

Again, congratulations for being here!

It's never too late - Coach Koos

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