Monday, September 17, 2012

Free Coaching with Coach Koos

by Coach Koos

        This post is going to be short and sweet, guys.  As you probably all know...I really nerd out about this health & fitness stuff.  Frankly, I could talk about it all darn day if people would listen.  But a lot of you don't really know what I'm doing here or what I am.  Sure I'm certified to teach P90X, but I am also a Beachbody Coach.  "What the heck's a Beachbody Coach, Coach Koos?"  Well let me tell ya...

        As a Beachbody Coach, I'm here to help people...plain and simple.  I represent Beachbody, the company behind home fitness programs such as "P90X", "Insanity", and "TurboFire".  Sure I make a small commission off of customer's purchases, but that is not why I do this.  I just get so much joy from hearing a client tell me they're "down 5 pounds this week" or they "lost an inch or so in the waist".  It just makes me feel so good to know that I'm reaching out and helping so many people..  

        Now maybe you don't need help...and that is perfectly fine.  But if you're someone who needs an extra push, or needs someone to listen to you, or just an overall motivator...I can be that guy....for FREE.  It's free coaching, pals.  I'm all yours.  All that's necessary is for you to go over and sign up for a free Team Beachbody account on my Beachbody site HERE.  I'll be assigned as your coach and we can get to working together.  No restrictions, no fees, just you and coaching.

        Don't be afraid to ASK for help.  I can't always reach out to everyone on a personal level, but I sure am trying!  If you have questions, struggles, or personal achievements to share...I'm here for you.

        I'll leave you in saying...there is NO shame in asking for help.  This is a safe and a friendly place.  Please let me know what I can do for you.  If this isn't for you, share this with someone who maybe COULD use an extra push.

~It's never too late~
Coach Koos

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