Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Coach Koos's 5 favorite meals that helped him lose over 100 lbs!

by Coach Koos


             A huge question comes to mind when you're starting a new workout program..."What do I eat?!"  Nutrition is KEY, guys!  It really is.  I've always heard that "abs are made in the kitchen, not in the weight room".  As a special gift to my fans and my followers, I want to give you 5 of my FAVORITE recipes that really helped kick-start my weight loss journey.  There are a couple of easy ones in there and then I end it with a delicious BANG!  Enjoy, my friends.  These meals won't fail you...and neither will I :)

You guys rock!  Thanks for being here.  It honestly means the world to me.

~It's never too late~
Coach Koos

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