Monday, September 17, 2012

Free Coaching with Coach Koos

by Coach Koos

        This post is going to be short and sweet, guys.  As you probably all know...I really nerd out about this health & fitness stuff.  Frankly, I could talk about it all darn day if people would listen.  But a lot of you don't really know what I'm doing here or what I am.  Sure I'm certified to teach P90X, but I am also a Beachbody Coach.  "What the heck's a Beachbody Coach, Coach Koos?"  Well let me tell ya...

        As a Beachbody Coach, I'm here to help people...plain and simple.  I represent Beachbody, the company behind home fitness programs such as "P90X", "Insanity", and "TurboFire".  Sure I make a small commission off of customer's purchases, but that is not why I do this.  I just get so much joy from hearing a client tell me they're "down 5 pounds this week" or they "lost an inch or so in the waist".  It just makes me feel so good to know that I'm reaching out and helping so many people..  

        Now maybe you don't need help...and that is perfectly fine.  But if you're someone who needs an extra push, or needs someone to listen to you, or just an overall motivator...I can be that guy....for FREE.  It's free coaching, pals.  I'm all yours.  All that's necessary is for you to go over and sign up for a free Team Beachbody account on my Beachbody site HERE.  I'll be assigned as your coach and we can get to working together.  No restrictions, no fees, just you and coaching.

        Don't be afraid to ASK for help.  I can't always reach out to everyone on a personal level, but I sure am trying!  If you have questions, struggles, or personal achievements to share...I'm here for you.

        I'll leave you in saying...there is NO shame in asking for help.  This is a safe and a friendly place.  Please let me know what I can do for you.  If this isn't for you, share this with someone who maybe COULD use an extra push.

~It's never too late~
Coach Koos

Friday, September 14, 2012

Do You Struggle?

by Coach Koos

        Gosh don't I know it!  I absolute LOVE hearing people say the phrase "but you don't know what it's like".  Because guys, I DO know what it's like!  Life sucks, right!  WRONG!  I know we've all said that a time or two though, right?  From time to time, we all struggle...but life is GREAT!  Think about it!  It's the best ride in town!  You have ups and then you have downs.  And when you're down, finding your "up" is the best feeling in the world.  But I challenge you...when you're up, don't start wondering when your next "down" is coming.  Live life in the NOW and enjoy the ups.  Heck, enjoy the downs!  Just enjoy the life you've been handed.  You're an individual and there's no one like you in this world.

        But here's the glorious part, are you ready?  If you don't enjoy the life you've been handed, you have the power to CHANGE!  That's right!  You can be whoever you want to be!  It's never too late to change anything, guys!  I mean it!  I've BEEN down.  I've been down and damn near OUT, pals.  But somehow I found something deep inside and I made that decision, that COMMITMENT to do something great.  To do something I absolutely LOVE!  

        "So you changed yourself, Coach Koos...big deal, good for you!"  Yes!  It IS good.  Thank you.  I'm just gonna ramble all day about this post because it is a beautiful day today, guys!  BEAUTIFUL!  

        This seems like a rant or a rave, but it's not, friends.  I'm your friend on this journey of life.  I want you to trust me and believe in me...and I will trust you.  We all need someone to lean on (isn't that a song or something?).  But great this coming week.  Be amazing.  Be outstanding.  Be unique.  Be HAPPY!  

        I swear I'm not yelling in this post, I just enjoy the exclamatory punctuation and occasional capital lettered word :)  

        It's never too late to be something wonderful!  Please KNOW that.  You can be whoever you want to be.

        I hope you found this post encouraging, as I'd like to think I'm an encouraging guy.  Please comment and share what you will do to inspire or encourage others today.

Sending joy and good graces,

~It's never too late~
- Coach Koos

Monday, September 10, 2012

Where does alcohol fit into my fitness plan?

by Coach Koos

       Drinking used to play a very big part in my life.  When I was in a fraternity over 4 years ago, I absolutely LOVED partying.  Everything from going to bars with friends, or having people over for a drunken Rock Band party on the Xbox was always a good time.  However, I was younger back then.  I didn't understand what a "calorie" was (nor did I care).  
           I feel that when we're young, most of us don't understand the importance of our body.  Some say "your body is a temple".  I believe that to be true.  I kind of view my body as a "vehicle", because if it breaks down I don't want to have to shell out massive amounts of cash when a part on my "vehicle" breaks down.  So I need to treat my body with care.  (Now I'm thinkin I need to take better care of my actual CAR as well...) 
          Anyways, I gained a LOT of weight back then.  One could blame it on the drinking, or you could blame it on the entire pizza I could eat at 2:00 in the morning.  Either way, I did not have many priorities when it came to my body.
          What I love about EVERY fitness program I've done is that they all come with a nutrition plan specially designed for the level of activity you'll be at in that program.  "Where's the beer fit in this plan, Coach?"..."How many nights a week can I get drunk?"  Well boys and girls, I can gladly answer these questions...
          I had to make a very important decision and quit drinking altogether (for personal reasons).  But I know some very successfully fit individuals that still know how to have a good time.  I just want to briefly add that I do NOT frown upon drinking at all.  In fact, I actually like to be around people that are drinking because I feel that I get a contact buzz (haha, moods are contagious and I like to surround myself with people who are having a good time).
         So let's say that you're starting a new program.  If you are ABSOLUTELY SERIOUS about getting your maximum best results, then naturally, I'd say to quit the booze.  If it's a 90 day program, quit the booze for 90 days.  If you can't quit it for 90 days, then maybe you have a bit of a problem.  I used to workout like crazy and diet like crazy during the week, and then I would get crazy with alcohol on Friday and Saturday (needles to say, I did not see my best results during that round of the program).  
      If you feel that you need a drink, then make sure to count those calories into your daily caloric intake (this is huge...I'm always counting my calories.  With the program I'm on, I'm allowed 2400 calories a day).  I also know a coach who drinks tequila with a few drops of the natural sweetener "stevia" in it.  And I'm sure we've all heard that a glass of red wine a day is good for the heart.

        To sum things up...count your dang calories.  If you're serious about seeing and feeling the BEST results, then hop off the drinking for a while and see how it fits for you.  Again, I do not frown on people that drink nor am I "preaching", but I just want to state that it DOES contain bad things and unnecessary calories for your body if you're serious about getting the best "you".

         Thanks for stopping by, guys.  Please leave a comment and let me know how you are.  And if you need some coaching or ANY kind of motivation, please hit me up on here or on Facebook.  I'm here for you.

~It's never too late~
Coach Koos

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Coach Koos's 5 favorite meals that helped him lose over 100 lbs!

by Coach Koos


             A huge question comes to mind when you're starting a new workout program..."What do I eat?!"  Nutrition is KEY, guys!  It really is.  I've always heard that "abs are made in the kitchen, not in the weight room".  As a special gift to my fans and my followers, I want to give you 5 of my FAVORITE recipes that really helped kick-start my weight loss journey.  There are a couple of easy ones in there and then I end it with a delicious BANG!  Enjoy, my friends.  These meals won't fail you...and neither will I :)

You guys rock!  Thanks for being here.  It honestly means the world to me.

~It's never too late~
Coach Koos

Monday, August 27, 2012

P90X Certification Weekend.

by Coach Koos

Hey guys! Call it lazy, call it not having enough time, call it what you want...but I had a long week with school starting back up and getting P90X Certified in Denver this weekend. That being said, I'd like to share a little video I just threw together about my Certification weekend. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

My Transformation (P90X, P90X+, P90X2, Insanity)

by Coach Koos

      Hey guys and gals!  Sure you can go to my "About" section and learn a little bit about me.  But some of you might have questions and might want to know more.  I'm going to give you the run down of the last 3 years in my battle with health and fitness.  So hang on...cuz this gets bumpy, and at times, a bit emotional for me.

       Let's rewind to 2008.  I was a college dropout for the second time.  I moved back in with my mom and bounced around from job to job.  I never really considered myself a "fat guy".  I really didn't.  I was just having fun, eating whatever the hell I wanted to eat, and drinking myself into ridiculous situations.  I was also a heavy smoker (mostly legal stuff...shhhh).  I couldn't keep a romantic relationship going and I had no idea why that was.

       <<<<<  LOOK at this guy!  Sure he looks fun to hang out with, but he was NOT going down a proper path.  Sure he could drink beer with the best of 'em, but he looked pretty flabby and has a ridiculously shiny forehead.

        Partying was the name of the game for me back then.  I loved going to bars, smoking it up, just feeling good and getting crazy.  I was almost 24 and something had to change, right?!  You can only be a party animal for so long.  I was tired of being out of breath after walking up stairs.  I was tired of not having any energy to do anything other than watch TV or play video games.  Something had to change.

        I don't even remember where I heard about P90X, but an ex-girlfriend of mine let me have a copy of this program, and let me tell was ROUGH!  I mean, I should have expected it to be rough, right?  After all, it stands for Power 90 Xtreme!  I simply got my butt off the damn couch and started out with this crazy program.  I didn't have the nutrition guide or the fitness calendar, so I did not know which programs to do and when to do them, so I just did them in order from disc 1 to disc 12. A buddy of mine told me I needed to look up the calendar because there's a system for it and it needs to be done the right way.  It didn't matter at first though...because ANY exercise was getting me into shape.  I was not really paying attention to nutrition.  I was still eating crap but I was eating less.

       So I quit the booze and smoking altogether and started to see some REAL changes.  People started to notice.  Ladies started to notice.  I was getting CRAZY good compliments and I couldn't believe it.  I weighed myself EVERY Friday (now I weight myself monthly rather than weekly) and started to see the pounds drop.  290, 282, 276, 267...the pounds just kept coming off.  I figured there HAD to be something to this program.  I stayed on it for a whole YEAR!  However, I DID happen to relapse with booze for a good 6 months though...until I realized that I actually had a problem with it (I have now quit and been sober for 19 months).

       Another 9 months went by with P90X and it was still doing crazy things for me.  I knew I needed heavier dumbbells.  I was in great shape, but "great" was never enough for me.  I constantly wanted to strive for more and tone up.  I saw that Beachbody offered P90X+.  All new workouts to incorporate with your P90X routine.  Tony Horton always spoke about "muscle confusion" and how it's so good for your body, so I figured why not give it a shot.  I did 90 days of P90X+ and then P90X2 was released!  I was ecstatic!  I started P90X2 on 1/1/2012.  I did over 90 days of that and believe it or not, I gained a pound!  How could I gain!??!  I've done nothing but lose weight like my fiance loses her phone (quite a lot).

       I wouldn't let this get me down.  I had always heard the saying that "muscle weighs more than fat".  And I'd always been told to measure your results by inches, not in pounds lost.  I started P90X2 under 200 lbs.  For the first time since I can remember, I was under 200. mean, what a feeling that was to read 194 on the scale.  I couldn't have been more proud of my hard work.

       Now this brings me to Insanity.  Insanity is a ridiculous cardiovascular program.  And can I just say...the name says it all.  I had never sweat so much in my entire life.  My shirts looked like I'd stepped out of the pool!  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

       This program was the real deal.  I was so tired of being sore every morning, but the soreness eventually went away and I found myself getting BETTER!  I actually looked FORWARD to my Insane workout every day!

       And if you're saying, "Coach Koos, can Insanity really do good things in just 60 days?  I mean, you didn't get crazy results until you did P90X for 5 rounds of 90 days."  Look at my Insanity Before & afters:

Are you kidding!???  Those are 60 day results?!  Everything tightened up like crazy!  I've been very upset lately about all of the loose skin that I have and I'm just wondering if it will EVER tighten up.  Well it looks like it's starting to!

       My fiance and I wrapped up Insanity and I lost another NINE POUNDS!  I went into this program thinking..."Yeah, I probably won't lose anymore weight...I'll probably just tone up".  Uh...and don't even think about asking me if I was eating enough.  I was taking in anywhere from 2500 to 3000 calories a day!  Contrary to popular belief, you have to take in calories in order to burn them.  You have to eat food if you wanna lose weight, bottom line!

       So now we're starting P90X again (the fiance has never done it).  This time we're throwing Insanity into the mix and doing a P90X/Insanity 90 day hybrid program!  We're about done with month 1 (I got heavier dumbbells too!) and things are going great!

       This didn't happen overnight for me, folks.  I was almost 300 pounds and it took over 2 years to lose 105 lbs.  This was a long journey that I'm presently still on.  I don't say things to discourage any of you.  If you're here and you're inspired by my success...then by God, let's work together!  Let's find something that's right for you and get you your better body.  If you're happy with yourself, then man, that's fantastic!  But if you wanna make a change (not just physically but an overall HEALTHY change), then let's talk, guys!  I didn't get into this business for myself.  I've already helped I'm here to help everyone else.

-It's Never Too Late-  Coach Koos

Thursday, August 9, 2012


by Coach Koos

What's up guys?!  I'm so glad you made it over to my brand spankin' new page!  I'm very excited about this, as it will give me more opportunity to reach out and help as many people as I can.

If you're reading this, it's because you either care about me or you care about your health & fitness...and for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Congrats to you for being here!  I do not want this site to be about ME...I want to help all of YOU achieve your goals as I have achieved mine and continually push myself to strive for more.  So if you're here, thumbs up to you!

You always wonder what to put in your first post, and I'm going to be honest with you guys, I'm just wingin' this thing.   That being said, I'm very knowledgeable with a lot of this fitness stuff, and I know a bit about nutrition as well.  Do NOT be afraid to seek my help. 

Please take a look around, click some links, visit my Facebook, and blow up these pages with comments, questions, or suggestions.  Also, if you'd like a coach to support you, sign up HERE to get your FREE account and get me as your coach, plus the ability to log your workouts and win cash prizes!  Any motivation, inspiration or support that you need...I'll give it to you.  

I'm looking forward to interacting with ALL of you and serving ALL of your health & fitness needs.

Again, congratulations for being here!

It's never too late - Coach Koos